When the going gets tough, the tough neglect blogging. It's been a full three months since my last post--insert embarrassed emoji here--but I want you all to know that I've said three hail Betsy's and promised to do better this year. Time will tell, lol. My last post celebrated the launch of my Celtic Charmers pattern. But a month later, when it came time to publish The Weston Tweed Wrap, I'd run out of steam. After launching The BFF Collection at the end of September [TEN patterns!] and Celtic Charmers just a few weeks later, when November 19th rolled around, I was knackered. So much knitting, pattern-writing, photography, editing, and marketing went into that pattern...and I still had a holiday market to prep for! So, yeah, come publication day, the most I could manage was to update the cold comfort landing page. Blogging about The Weston Tweed Wrap--or anything else I knit in the three months after that--simply got put on the back burner. You know what they say, "out of sight, out of mind". Well I guess 'they' read my blog. I meant to hit pause, but it seems I hit stop. Well, good news! Finally, it's time to hit "play". Here we go... the weston tweed wrapPATTERN LAUNCHED 11-19-18 Pattern launch day for The Weston Tweed Wrap was November 19th, 2018. The pattern did quite well on Ravelry, but stopped just shy of making it into the Hot Right Now Top 20. Unfortunately, a scheduling error at The Fibre Co. caused a delay in social media sharing, but it was an honest mistake, and I was still very happy with the very warm reception that this very warm wrap received! The second of two designs created in collaboration with The Fibre Co.,The Weston Tweed Wrap is an epic, oversized, giant-bear-hug of a wrap. From a knitting perspective, it's a pretty impressive piece that only requires basic knitting skills--surprise! The tweed pattern doesn't require colour work. Heck, it doesn't even require purling! What does it require? Patience. Stamina. And, of course, love :) st. george's night marketDECEMBER 14TH, 2018 They say there's "no rest for the wicked". I must be very, very wicked! The moment The Weston Tweed Wrap was off my plate, market prep was very, very ON! Friday night, December 14th, cold comfort knits participated as a vendor at St. George's Night Market, a curated pop-up holiday market for last-minute shoppers. It was my second time as a vendor at a Burlington Made event (@burlingtonmade on Instagram) and I really can't say enough good things about how well-organized, well-curated, and well-attended Stephanie's shows are (follow the links to learn more and/or connect on Instagram). It seems that after last year's show, my hats and other knits had gained a bit of a reputation, and I'm happy to report that just a few hours into the show, I was almost sold out. And by closing time, I was left with the 'extremely onerous' task of packing up three hats. Three hats! I've already started knitting for next year's show! gift knitting / gift gettingDECEMBER 15th - 24th, 2018 December 15th. Wicked child that I am, there wasn't a moment to rest after the Night Market. With only 9 days left until Christmas, it was time for gift knitting to commence...and FAST! Thankfully, I only had a few gifts to knit. Luckily, I'd been smart enough not to sell all my stock. With what I held back, and what I managed to knit, I'm happy to say that a few special friends will be enjoying warm heads and hands this winter! Two of those friends, my "brother from another mother" and "sister from another mister" (collectively known as BJ) one-upped me in grand fashion with the best hat EVER, hand-knits notwithstanding. Yes, that's me wearing a sheep hat. Yes, it's as awesome as it sounds/looks/feels. LOL. 2018: what a year!DECEMBER 29th, 2018 2018 17 Patterns Published 137 Pictures Posted 17, 565 Total Likes 65 Hand-Knits Knitted ...and a partridge in a pear tree ;) Once the holidays were over and everyone had finally stopped to chill out for a while, along came one of my favourite Instagram 'traditions'; the end-of-year "best nine", or "top nine". It's always fun--and surprising--to see which nine posts were your most liked in any given year. Wow. 2018 was a very yellow year! If you already follow me on IG, THANKS! Thanks for all the love. Thanks for a great year! If you're on 'the gram' and want to start following me there, my handle is @coldcomfortknits :) new year, new knitsJANUARY 3rd, 2019 New year. Still wicked! January 3rd provided proof that there really is no rest in my little knitty world. Just a few days into the year a spring shawl was already forming on my needles. My first ever crescent shawl! Having never knit a crescent before, naturally I figured I could design one (whaaaat?). Spoiler alert: I finished it in less than a week. It turned out beautifully--I'm really pleased with the result. And, it was so much fun to knit that I've already cast on another one--a completely different design--and I'm already up to 200+ stitches!!! The pattern(s) will be available in time for Spring knitting. I hope you'll stay tuned! Happy New Year! Happy Knitting! Sincerely, Alexis :)
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![]() I'm Alexis, the knitter/designer behind cold comfort knits. My favourite animal is a sheep (obvi). My primary knitting fuel is coffee. And my inner child is actually an inner senior-citizen.
November 2024