Today's the day! The Bramble Wrap is now live at and WOW, what a feeling! It's kind of like when the yarn babies you ordered finally arrive in the mail...but, you know, times a million. The journey to today's publication began simply; with an idea, a sketch and a swatch. The year that followed was an absolute whirlwind of creativity and yarny delight! The privilege of working as a freelancer with the amazing team at Purl Soho has been a dream come true. The Bramble Wrap was a pleasure to knit for so many reasons, not the least of which being its almost magical ability to fit into my smallest shawl-size project went everywhere with me! Another reason? The yarn! The main yarn is Cattail Silk, and for a little somethin' somethin' the contrast yarn is the uber-fluffy Brume. Those eye-catching details will have everyone asking "Where did you get that wrap?", to which I hope you will proudly reply "I made it MYSELF!!!". Eleven (eleven!) Bramble Wrap Bundles are ready and waiting for you, so snap up your favourite today. BTW it's totally okay if you have two (or three, or four) favourites. Seriously. No judgement over here ;)
It's official! My first freelance design in collaboration with Purl Soho is launching in less than 72 hours!!! The Bramble Wrap will go live on this coming Saturday, March 25th, 2023. It's hard to believe that I shared this "teaser" image on Instagram (@coldcomfortknits) almost a year ago, but in the world of design, there are so many moving parts, and so much prep work is involved. It really is a labour of love! On a personal note, I've had a crush on Purl Soho since basically forever. As a newbie knitter, two of my first proper knitting books were Last-Minute Knitted Gifts, and More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts, by Joelle Hoverson (owner of Purl Soho), who I am now, quite surreal-y, kinda sorta ever so slightly connected to. #fangirling
The cat is almost out of the bag! I truly hope you'll all join me on Instagram @coldcomfortknits this Saturday for the story behind The Bramble Wrap. And, of course, a link to the FREE Pattern! Happy Spring Knitting Everyone! |
![]() I'm Alexis, the knitter/designer behind cold comfort knits. My favourite animal is a sheep (obvi). My primary knitting fuel is coffee. And my inner child is actually an inner senior-citizen.
November 2024